Tuesday, 22 March 2016

Does Kindness Start At Home?

“Kindness begins at home, and it is not how much we do, but how much love we put in that action”.
Every day we are presented with opportunities to assist others and make their day just a little bit better and let’s be honest, who doesn’t want to be the “do gooder” who makes others days go a little bit easier.
But what about when we get home after doing something really outgoing for a stranger. Doesn’t it seem easier and more commendable to give time to those who are foreign to us rather than those who are closer .In fact, think about your day from start to finish .Think about how much time we dedicate to others outside our home. According to a study done by Prof Sonja Lyubomirsky of Stanford University, people who engage with five random acts a week were more prepared to perform acts of altruism than those who don’t.
But interestingly enough the hardest place to feel good about giving is in our own homes. Why do we feel proud of ourselves for cooking for an acquaintance who just gave birth and burdened by making dinner for our families? Why do we answer the phone at the table when a colleague wants to vent but yell at our spouse browsing social media?
Could it be that we have been misled by society to believe that only work outside the home is truly significant.
We need to change our mind set. Yes, the more acts of kindness, the better. Certainly once our family is attended to, giving to the greater community is a wonderful and important thing to-do. We couldn't survive without it…   
But let's not forget where to start. Let's not forget where the real difference is made.
Kindness to the world; vitally important
Kindness to our home; priceless.

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